Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Raider-Cop Nation: #71 “Concealed Carry” Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. Part 3 of 6
Retired Law enforcement officer Alpha Mike, and his roster of superhero co-host team up to share their amazing life experiences. The conventional and unconventional way. Join us today to discuss training, mentorship and the Police state in America, plus much more.
Host: Alpha Mike
Superhero Co-host: Mike Sierra
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
James Madison: “A well regulated militia, composed of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” 1st Annals of Congress, at 434, June 8th 1789
Host Alpha Mikewelcome's the audience to Raider-Cop Nation. He starts off with a quote from
Gen. George S. Patton
Alpha talks about an incident that occured to him in a movie threater and carrying concealed . Also Alpha talks about how corporations are creating a version a gun control, with restricting legal carry on their property. Companies like the NFL, MLB, NBA saying sorry because of public safety, no guns!
Alpha ask do you have a real gun locker in your vehicle in case your not allow access in a place. What do you do?
check your State for legal carry
Alpha welcome's superhero Mike Sierra to the panel discussion.
This episode will examine "where" can I carry and, can I real just ignore the posted signed in the panel discussion.
The first topic: The, "No Gun" sign. Alpha talks about establishments that do not want you to enter with a firearm. Many times as a result to the insurance carrier the company has, or is it corporate gun control.
Second topic: Ignoring the "No Gun" sign or simple acting as if the sign wasn't there, is a nice try but signs are posted very stragetically and montiered by cameras. So the question becomes if an incident happens, you just became a possible scapegoat
Third: Superhero co-host Mike Sierra talks about an incident that occurred in Disney World and the corporate gun control attitude of Mickey...
Reference: Find Gun Laws
NRA tribute to Charlton Heston
Grandmother Finds Loaded Gun on Animal Kingdom Ride: Deputies
Incidents at Walt Disney World
Legal carry in private area
M&P 9 Shield
Sepulveda, Inc
Pistol Pete The Gunsmith
Officer Down for the week of Jan 7, 2019
Raider-Cop Nation
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