Host: Alpha Mike
Opening Remarks: Host Alpha Mike welcomes the Nation to episode #274. Alpha opens the podcast with Bozo in the White House:
1. Joe Biden says Putin can't stay in power, white house says otherwise.
2. Joe Biden takes flak for joe suggesting the Irish are dumb.
3. Kamala Harris, viewed white house aides not standing when she walked into a room as a sign of disrespect.
How to contact us RaiderCop.Com and Join us on, our social media accounts, you can find us @RaiderCop @RaiderCopNation or @RaiderCopPodcast. Additionally you can hear Raider-Cop Podcast wherever you get your podcast, just look us up.
Intro: Future episodes NYPD Detective 2nd Grade Retired Ralph Friedman. “Street Warrior”
The next couple of months.
Main Topic: The State of Policing, Re-Inventing Police
1. The Cornell Daily Sun Report
2. The Left, What They Want
3. Who It Will Really Hurt The Most
4. H.R. 1280
5. Now What, Course Of Action
Reference: H.R. 1280 Text
Qualified Immunity
Up Next: Vic Amuso, Hanging on Just Do It! (WiseGuySeries) April 6, 2022
Starting Season Five (5) Raider Cop Podcast; will go to one (1) episode a week loading on Weds.
Here is the monthly episode breakdown
First week of the month: WiseGuys Series
Second week of the month: Gun Series
Third week of the month: Roll Call, Train Up, Think outta Da Box, Buccaneer Series
Fourth week of the month: A-Wall Series
Word of the Week: Seek the Lord while He is near. Let the wicked for sake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Isaiah 55- 6/8
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NYPD Detective 2nd Grade Retired Ralph Friedman. “Street Warrior”
Pistol Pete the Gunsmith Kilo Sierra’s Firearms Training or Investigation: Sepulveda inc
AAA Gun Safety
Consider Becoming A Member:Gun Owners Of America GOA
United States Concealed Carry Association USCCA
Mammoth Nation
Support: Tunnel to Tower FoundationDominican Law Enforcement Officers of FloridaBen Cantwell Art #SOSCUBA
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